Tuesday, November 5, 2013

I Am Back!

I hope for good ...
I am finally finding some time to check in briefly. I have so much to share about this year – and I am shameful that I have not given this site the attention it really needs.

This has definitely been a year of poor health, obligations, job changes, and just … readjusting my life, in a way! In good and new and interesting ways – and I shall explore soon – I promise! Finally, it’s all good!

For now, I just wanted to post a link to my travel blog, as I have just written a post about (more) food habits. I just wanted to share my love - challenge affair with foods! Why I love them, why I seek and travel for them. And you know already why I fear them.

I just wanted to keep it real, as always. I am definitely not a self-absorbed, “I do it better than all the rest”, “listen to me, I know everything about eating right”, annoying, obsessive preacher. I am not in a bubble of “I don’t eat this and that”, “I don’t touch this and the other”, and “follow my advice, as it is what’s right”. You have billion dollars of books doing that!

I live, and I make mistakes. And I try to take everything in moderation, take my meds and follow my appointments. But I am no saint, nor should one try to be when managing this disease! We would all fail trying to do that. We’re all human. Allow yourself to fail and more than anything: love yourself. But stick with a plan. Have a plan that works for you.

I am finally seeing a new doctor this week (more on why I am, hopefully, leaving the old one soon, too), so I am sure I will have details on that shortly.

In the meantime – enjoy my serendipitous food travels. Just bring a tissue for the occasional drooling. ;-)

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