Saturday, August 2, 2014

Fake Food

Some people are obsessed, without needing to be, with gluten free food. Some are obsessed with vegetarianism or vegan-ism. Some with the Paleo diet ( I know, 50 years from now, this will not make sense). Don’t you hate those snobs?!

I have never been fixated on one diet or another, at any point in my life. And outside of this blog, I really don’t talk much, with emphasis, about what I eat. But I feel like the older I get, the more and more I am becoming intolerant about one thing: fake food! All the chemicals and crap that they put in our food nowadays! It just makes me sick, on top of scaring me.

One day, we stepped, hungry and sleepy, first thing in the morning, in a local bagel shop. The bagels and cream cheese were so good, we bought some. We ate the bagels pretty fast but we had a whole tub of cream cheese which we could not possibly eat in 2-3 sittings. A week later, the taste of the cheese started to turn. A week and a half later, there were big chunks of brown and blue spots inside of it –even stored in the fridge, in the dairy crisper. We normally buy Philadelphia cream cheese, and you know what?! I have one of their tubs in the fridge since March – and it’s still white and tastes the same as the first day. It’s August now. One thing I know for sure: that’s not cheese! It’s Philadelphia cream cheese, people! Do you know how much they sell a year?!

I was reading the label on my bread one day, and I could not pronounce 80% of the ingredients in that “product”. And that’s another thing … We watch a cooking show or more every day, and all the chefs talk about their “products”. It’s not food, or dishes anymore, it’s a “product”.

So, now, I spend two hours at the grocery store instead of half an hour because I read every label, and I nix 50% or more of the “products” I pick up to buy! It’s pretty counterproductive.

But seriously: I am not sure what’s going to happen to us. To our colon and our bodies, all filled up with all the acids and “solutions” no one knows how to pronounce. I decided there is no butter, no cheese that I can possibly buy that is 100% made of milk. There probably isn’t any natural milk in America anymore.

So, lately, I have been pretty picky about food and what I eat. My husband’s aunt died of colon cancer this spring – and I can’t help but think that that will be the end of me, too: forget cholesterol, I have been living with it for close to 40 years. What’s going to kill me is all the poisons in my food. I just imagine all these chemicals coating my body from the inside, unable to be eliminated, because my body doesn’t understand how to handle them.

I ask my husband to bake us bread more and more, because I can’t get myself to buy it anymore. I asked my doctor where I could get fat free and all natural butter or cheese. His answer was: “WOW! You do want everything, don’t you?!”

And I guess I do, but shouldn’t we? I tell my husband all the time that I’m going to go off the grid, completely. I’ll look into buying a plot of land in the middle of Nothing, Montana, and live off of what I plant and grow myself. Sure, it will still be full of pollution, but I feel like no one will add the crap on top of the pollution in my food.

I can’t even drink beer anymore lately. Wine, yes, it tastes close to my dad’s homemade wine, still. But not beer. I even can taste the chemicals in the filter that filters my water. I know our palates evolve as we age, but I hope mine is not going to totally keep me away from any food at all, because there is not much left out there to keep me full.

I am afraid that the older I get, the more I am becoming one of those snobs that talks all about how they only eat all natural things, all organic and untainted. I am not there yet, but once I find that all organic butter and cheese – you watch out, world! I’ll be even more stuck up than usual!

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