As I am watching the splash-down of Crew 9 coming back from the orbit back to earth on CNN (Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore), I am thinking: my cholesterol levels did a bit of a go-up-in-the-stratosphere-and-come-back-to-earth trip in the past few months, as well.
To recap: I added Evkeeza ( to my drug therapy in June 2024. At that time, my LDL cholesterol was 238 mg/dl. After several months of treatment, the LDL went down to 67 mg/dl (and no, I am not making this up). Evkeeza’s site boasts around a 50% reduction in LDL cholesterol. Mine was 71%. My target LDL is 70 mg/dl or lower. I was at target for the very first time in my life.
At that time, I was taking:
80 mg/ day of Lipitor (a statin)
10 mg/ day of Zetia
150 ml/ twice a month of Praluent (an injection)
Evkeeza (a monthly infusion) (the amount is based on your weight at the time of the infusion)
Because we saw these amazing results, my cardiologist believed that we could take away some of my other medications that might not be as effective and see if we could keep the low number on fewer drugs. He suggested that I would take just the following:
40 mg/day of Lipitor (eliminate 50% of the Lipitor I was taking)
150 ml/ twice a month of Praluent
Evkeeza infusion (monthly)
He eliminated Zeetia completely.
And this is when my LDL cholesterol promptly took off back in space, as it were, climbing all the way to 142 mg/ dl (more than doubled) in two months. (
So, we assessed. I increased the Lipitor back to 80 mg, but that only got the levels down to 121 mg/dl after a month. We then added back the Zetia and after one more month we got back down closer to my target (which is 70 mg/dl) to 74.
So, the conclusion of this little experiment was that the magic sauce is in the combination of all the drugs together that makes a stronger difference. So, we are back on the same therapy we started with in June 2024.
This is what FH is: a numbers’ and a guessing game. A trial-and-error adventure. And you must. Never. Ever. Give. Up!
The biggest compliment I have ever received was from my heart surgeon earlier this year. He was pleased with my heart condition (after 9 years since surgery) and with the way I am managing my cholesterol. He said: “The main contributor to your health is only one person: yourself. You followed through. You looked for answers. You never stopped. Congratulations.”
I felt so humbled!
I think the world of this man, and of a handful of people in my medical team. I think the world of so many people who coached me through my journey (including The Family Heart Foundation -, and friends who worked for drug manufacturers, my parents who had limited resources but taught me a healthy way of living, despite their own poor choices), so for a medical professional that I respect to share this was incredible!
And this is what I want to tell you all who are managing this disease or who know of someone who does, from the bottom of my heart: never give up. Always look for answers. When you don’t like your doctor, change them. When the insurance says “no”, appeal their decision. You might have to do it multiple times, but don’t give up. When one medicine doesn’t work, look for alternatives. I have been at this for 42 years now and I have seen so much progress in medications that are allowing us to live longer and healthier lives. It’s possible and you can do it!
My most recent journey of roughly 9 months (almost the same amount of time that Crew 9 spent on the ISS in orbit) is finally over and it is pictured below. And I hope it stays down on earth for a while.
A former astronaut said on the TV tonight that the most he missed in orbit was the color green and everything about it - the trees, and the grass, etc ... I like to see myself back in the green too.