Sunday, February 20, 2011


Thank you for stopping by on I intend to keep this blog updated with notes on my personal journey into living with familial hypercholesterolemia. The blog will provide my first hand report on what this disease can bring about, what the doctors tell me, and how life is different, in my case. Although other sufferers of hypercholesterolemia might find helpful information on this blog, it addresses only the familial, or the inherited kind.

I also would like to keep the blog updated with links to researches that are constantly being done on cholesterol, atherosclerosis, and heart disease, new findings in this disorder, as well as other support forums (chat rooms, other blogs, etc) for people like me. I have been looking for a place that offers all this, and there are not many.

I also encourage you, the reader, to post comments, questions, and your own links to what you find on this topic. Due to unwelcome spam and other unwanted traffic, I will need to approve all the comments, but please post them nonetheless.

In the first few blogs, I will talk mostly about my history, how the disease was diagnosed, when I was 8, what my cholesterol levels were at the time, and how I managed it during the following 17 years while living in Romania. The drugs but mostly the research were scarce there, and every doctor visit was a disappointment – there was no hope.

Once I moved to The States, the roller-coaster of trying any drug therapy known to the medical world began. In a lot of ways it was a blessing, and in a lot others, a curse, as well.

As the name of the disease suggests, this is a “familial”, or “inherited”, or “genetic” disorder. In this particular case, lifestyle choices have little to no effect on how the cholesterol level and its consequences behave. And because it is genetic, there is no cure for it. So, whatever treatment you’re on, it will have to last for as long as you live. I will address all these statements in the blogs to come. There are controversies in the patient world that suggest that heredity has little to do with how this disease behaves. I will give you my own account.

I will get more into the details of what the cholesterol levels mean in the following posts, but just for this brief intro: according to the American Heart Association, the “desirable level of total cholesterol should be up to 200 mg/dl. My total cholesterol was over 700 mg/dl when I was 8. It is over 300 mg/dl when this blog was started in 2011.

Because of progress in research, a new kind of medication has been good for me, the PCSK9 drugs, and that has brought my numbers down to 198 mg/dl, when used in conjunction with statins and zetia. 

I found out in 2017 (36 years after the first diagnosis) that I have HoFH, the more rare and more severe type of FH. Up to that point, the information you find here will be on FH, generally. From that point on, I have included my journey with HoFH here, given the new diagnosis and I am following some of the research and resources available for this specific type of FH, as well. 

But despite all the grim blood test results, and all the prognoses that a heart attack or a stroke might be around the corner, in months, not years, I have managed to live for almost 36 years free of any major coronary or brain events.

It has been a journey of hope, a celebration of life, and a lesson in self knowledge, as well. It’s been a trip that has made me, in a way, the person I am today – there is not one day in my life that my condition is not on my mind, and yet, I believe I have had a full and “normal” life, in many wonderful ways.

I thank you all, in advance, for your presence here, and I encourage you to please send me all your thoughts, ideas, suggestions on how I can improve this site, over time. As I tell my doctors: I am in this for the long haul.


  1. Thank you for this blog.
    I am 22 and I have been running away from the inevitable since I have been four years old. My journey with FH has been horrible (to say the least). Micromanagement of my nutritional intake has spawned a severe eating disorder that has been poisoning me for 12 years now. This resource is amazing and it has helped me come to terms with the fact that I have to start a drug regimen. Both my uncles died at 19 and 21 years old and my mother (whom also has FH) has been terrified we will both share the same fate. Well, I am 22 and have avoided meds until now. In four days I am meeting my first adult-care cardiologist and plan things out. Your blog has done so much to help calm me down... With an active lifestyle and a vegan diet I have managed to keep my total cholesterol hovering around 9.85mmol/l (I think thats around 380mg/dl)since I have been 8 but it is pretty much only LDL. Unfortunately I have homozygous FH and I am terrified what that may mean for my future (I have not seen a specialist since I was dropped by my pediatric cardiologist 4 years ago)... Once again, thank you SO much for this blog. It is encouraging and inspiring!
    Montreal, QC, Canada

  2. Hi, Karine,

    Thank you so much for stopping by! Your words have made my day! I am so glad you are seeing someone now, and you can get some direction in managing this disease! Please, please, please listen to them and take advantages of all that the research has done so far for us! You, of course, have a much more severe form than me, so it's that much more important to manage it well! I hope you find good people, great doctors and helpful resources you to walk with you on this road. It's not easy, but just know that you can have a full life and learn to live with this 'friend' that has been imposed on us, too! GOOD luck and thank you for stopping by and saying hey. You're doing the right thing.

  3. Hi!

    I'm so glad I found your blog, I can't wait to read more.

    I'd really appreciate your opinions on my situation. I don't have health insurance and I'm not able to pay for a bunch of tests... the only thing I've done is my blood work; my first one was 9 months ago. --Get ready for lots of reading...sorry!

    I have never been to a doctor until 9 months ago ( I'm 26 years old). I wanted to get a physical and my blood work done because I figured I should get one. I expected good results- I'm 26, 5'8', 125 lbs, I do cardio and lift (heavy) weights 4 days a week, and was eating relatively healthy (no instant food, no fast food, lots of fruits and veggies, etc.).

    When I heard from my doctor, she sounded VERY concerned and almost panicky- I didn't like that at all! She insisted that I take statins right away- my total cholesterol was a little over 300 and my LDL was 203. She didn't really give me specifics, but just said that it was probably genetic (No one in my family has any issues even though they eat badly and don't exercise- totally opposite of me and it drives me crazy! However my uncle, who lived in another country and have never met (therefore, I don't exactly know about his health) died of a heart attack when he was in his 60's or 70's.

    I didn't like the idea of not having control over my body and tried to alter my diet (cut out red meat, more veggies, less sweets, nothing fried...still used a little butter or coconut oil for cooking though), hoping to lower it without meds. So, 3 months later, my LDL went down to 150! Despite her protests, I told her I wanted to continue to trying to lower it by diet and exercise. I then cut out all added sugars, ate more oatmeal, no animal meats or products besides fish (and my organic grass-fed whey protein), and incorporated other fats- nuts, olives...), didn't use oil to cook... and my cholesterol went UP. My total cholesterol is about 280, my LDLs at about 170. I am a VERY disciplined person and was very strict about my diet, even though I love, love, love food.

    What do you think? My numbers are nowhere near as high as yours, so I don't know what to make of it. I'm probably going to take Zocor, even though I really don't want to... I'm still not sure that's it's necessary.. but I don't want to die lol. My doctor makes it seem as if it is a life and death situation, so I'm super curious about other opinions.

  4. Hi, there,
    Thanks so much for reading and for your letter. I really appreciate you taking the time. So, to start, I am no expert, right?! I am only a patient, and that is that. :-)
    From my experience: yes, the doctors WILL panic when your total cholesterol goes North of 300, by any amount. And remember that 99% of all regular doctors are TRAINED to prescribe nothing but medicine first. SO, her response to treat this with Zoocor is normal
    You, however, sound like you have a good, disciplined and healthy lifestyle, so a number as high as 300 is probably genetic, for you (but I don't know for sure, of course – could also be hormonal).
    Statins are the easiest answer, because they typically work very fast and very effectively. Another thing: around 300 is where I have hovered for 10+ years now, and relax: it won't kill you! I am proof of that. :-) BUT ... it can cause some damage. IF you can get some insurance and you can afford other tests, can you inquire about other tests that would determine whether any damage has been done to your arteries and vascular system? The plaque (or atherosclerosis) is what causes the heart attacks and the strokes. However, if you have had no other symptoms (chest pains, abnormal fatigue, shortness of breath for no reason), you probably have nothing to worry about there, either! The numbers are important in the fact that they tell whether cholesterol damages your entire body: the higher the numbers, the more you are increasing your risk for vascular or heart disease or strokes. Also, buy a blood pressure meter, to have in your home, and check it - if it's not within normal ranges, share that with her.
    It sounds, like (unlike me) some diet changes and the fact that you exercise a lot does help, to some degree. So, as long as you can continue to do that, and show the doctor good numbers, I think she will be OK. If not, get a second opinion, too! As long as you can make a lifestyle of eating healthy and maintaining your numbers low, I think you're doing the right thing.
    I do believe that everything else should be tried BEFORE you do statins. Statins are not so new anymore, but there is still some mystery about them possibly destroying your liver - it's a huge risk to take! So, don’t take them lightly, for sure! I have written to Dean Ornish's Institute before ( to inquire about ways of keeping my numbers very low without any drugs at all. The response was very prompt: in my case, unfortunately, the drugs are the only solution. Ornish’s clinic is famous for reversing heart disease and lowering cholesterol with no drugs at all. But - they can't do that for me. I think, if you have results with just diet, you are very fortunate - so, you can continue the diet that gave you results, in the first place.
    I do find that even the "healthy fats" (nuts, olive oil, even fish oil etc) still affect my numbers a bit in the WRONG direction, and they don't go as low as I can get them. A solely vegetarian (close to vegan, with occasional cold water fish added) diet, it does improve my numbers, but not by significant amounts. If your numbers are lowER but not under the recommended limits, then you can start a lower dosage of zoocor, perhaps, and see how you tolerate it and if it gets the numbers to absolutely normal ranges. You'll be doing blood tests every 3-6 months, to make sure your liver is not affected. The fact that you only know of one uncle that died of a heart attack, and no immediate family is a great thing, also! You have a good history, overall. I love the fact that you are so young and so careful about your choices! That's winning half if not more of the battle! You have a good attitude and you adjust to your findings, so I think you're on a winning track here. If there is anything else more that you'd like to ask/ comment on, please don't hesitate to let me know. I'm glad to share what I know. Take good care and good luck, ok?! A-

  5. Thanks so much for the quick response! I've been a little bad about my diet due to holidays.... I'm such a food enthusiast, so that part of me is super sad/confused because I don't know how much or how often I'll be able to eat certain things.

    After much interrogation, I did find out that my mom's family has some problems, though I don't know exactly what (there are language barriers and stuff). I used to get some sharp pains, and it hurt to breathe; I assumed it was heartburn. My blood pressure is good, 110/70. I'm down to take a few more tests, but I'm unsure about the cost and necessity, since the doctor never brought it up. Although I don't have insurance, I think my siblings would be willing to help out if I asked. I'm so not looking forward to medication! I wanted to hold off for as long as I could, but my doctor is really pressuring me to take it ASAP.

    I'm bothered by the fact that my numbers went up after changing my diet, but then again I did make a few bad choices (eating way more than a handful of nuts, eating shrimp, etc.). Totally irrelevant, but I can't stand people who tell me to just take the meds so I can eat whatever I want! The concept that taking a few pills will make you healthy, or lose weight, or whatever! It was pretty annoying to find out that people I knew would rather pop a few pills than TRY to do something good for their health.

    Fortunately I have found a few websites with healthy recipes (it was actually pretty time consuming to search for my definition of "healthy" recipes), so at least I'm now vegan friendly lol. I don't know if you have time to cook, but I'd be happy to share some recipes I've tried. Going out to restaurants has been a funny experience because I am now one of the difficult customers asking about the ingredients and asking to customize my meals. I never really go to chains, so I don't know how they handle it, but certain restaurants really cater to you!

    Thank you so, SO, much for the kind words and taking the time to read my rants- I really appreciate it!

  6. Hi, again,

    I totally understand the loving food and not being able to eat it all part. I am the same way.

    I do cook quite a lot. I go out to eat maybe 1-2 times a week, if that. I bring lunch into work and I try to eat at least 2 out of the 3 meals every day meat-free. Most times, that's my pattern.

    And when I do eat meat, it's 90+% fat free chicken or turkey or seafood. I do have shrimp maybe 1-2 a MONTH, although I love it. I read that shrimp is 80% cholesterol and 20% water, somewhere. Not sure if that's verified, but if there is even any truth in that, it's not good for us.

    Again, with my numbers, diet alone is not enough. So, I do eat healthy AND take pills to keep my numbers low(er), but they have never been "normal".

    The one thing I need to do more of is more cardio exercise. But with being out of breath after even 10 minutes of stress, it's hard to push myself to do a lot of it.

    Good luck with everything, and if you ever just want to chat, share experiences, sites, findings, news, you're always welcome to stop by.

  7. Buna, inteleg ca stiti limba romana, motiv pentru care postez acest mesaj in limba romana. Eu sunt din Romania, traiesc in Romania si am un baietel de 4 ani care este "compound heterozygous" cu doua mutatii pe gena LDL, confirmate pe baza de teste genetice efectuate in Olanda.

    Am aflat de problema lui cu colesterolul in luna septembrie cand am mers la un dermatolog din Romania din cauza bubitelor de culoare galbena, care ulterior am aflat ca sunt xantoame. Cand i-am facut in septembrie analizele, am avut un soc enorm, avea colesterolul total 950 mg/dL si LDL 792 mg/dL. De atunci a inceput cosmarul, mersul la doctori, citit etc. Am inceput dieta, care nu a fost aceeasi pentru ca pe masura ce citeam mai descopeream ceva ca ar fi bun. Luna trecuta cand i-am facut din nou analizele, avea un colesterol total de 769 mg/dL si LDL 730 mg/dL.

    As vrea acum sa incerc dieta Ornish/Esselstyn, despre care am citit pe internet, nu stiu cum as putea comanda cartile, dar voi incerca sa gasesc o modalitate. V-as ruga mult, sa ma ajutati si pe mine cu niste tips-uri cu privire la aceasta dieta, astfel incat sa nu il privez de elementele nutritive necesare astfel incat sa nu ii afecteze cresterea, avand in vedere ca este atat de mic (daca trebuie suplimentata dieta cu vitamine, calciu etc)

    Nu ma astept ca dieta sa ii duca nivelul colesterolului la normal, nici pe departe, dar orice reducere este binevenita.

    Miza la noi este foarte mare pentru ca doctorii din Olanda ne-au spus ca cel mai probabil va fi nevoie de afereza LDL, procedura care in Romania nu se face si nici interes sa se faca nu este si nici nu stim care este procedura de efectuat in afara, e o nebuloasa totala.

    Aici, dupa cum probabil stiti, doctorii nu prea stiu cu ce se mananca aceasta boala si nu au experienta, iar noi va trebui sa incepem tratamentul cu crestor (10 mg) si ezetrol (10 mg) cat mai curand. La noi nici macar nu se prescriu astfel de medicamente la copii sub 10 ani, le vom da noi pe raspunderea noastra, nu stiu cum, dar o vom face ...

    Tot ceea ce sper este ca in vreo modalitate, sa nu trebuiasca sa ii fac afereza aceasta pentru ca nu se face in Romania si pentru ca mi se pare o procedura inumana.

    In concluzie, daca ma puteti ajuta cu orice fel de tips-uri privind dieta sau modalitati de diminuare efecte adverse ale medicamentelor (despre care am citit ca nu sunt putine) sau modalitatea in care sa incep administrarea lor sau orice alte aspecte, mi-ar fi de mare folos.

    Doctorii din Olanda ne-au zis sa ii dam ambele medicamente de la inceput in dozele de mai sus, ca nu au efecte adverse, dar mie mi-e foarte frica.

    Multumesc mult

    1. Buna ziua,

      Raspunsul meu este mai jos - sper sa va fie de folos, dar daca nu, va rog sa mai ma intrebati. Numai bine. A-

  8. Buna, doamna draga si multumesc pentru comentariu si pentru mesaj.

    Eu am fost descoperita la 6 ani, dupa cum ati citit. Si parintii mei initial au inceput cu regim, dar pentru ca eram in crestere au renuntat la el, pentru ca aveam nevoie de proteina pentru a ma dezvolta corect.

    M-au tinut insa doar cu carne de pui si peste, cu foarte putina carne de vita si porc, care e mai grasa, su cu foarte putine lactate, si fara oua chiar deloc. De asemenea, mai putine lucruri prajite, si mai mult sotate, si fierte, sau facute pe gratar. Chiar si cu acest regim, mai restrans, totusi colesterolul meu nu a scazut niciodata la valori normale, si pana la 23 de ani il aveam in jur de 500-600 mg.

    In timp, mi s-a depus pe artere si acum am depozite de grasime si placa pe artera aortica (ceea ce mi-a afectat inima) si arteroscleroza in arterele carotide, ceea ce mi-a afectat alimentarea corecta a creierului cu oxigen - si am migrene saptamanale, cateodata zilnice.

    Cand eram copil, in Romania, se stia doar de colesterolemina, un praf care elimina doar colesterolul din mancare. Nu mi-a afectat deloc nivelurile de colesterol si l-am intrerupt pe la 8 ani (nu mai tin minte, exact cand, dar oricum, eram tot mica).

    Pana la 23 de ani cand m-am mutat in State nu am luat nimic, nici un medicament. Doar am tinut un regim mai echilibrat, cu putine grasimi, fara lactate dar cu carne in moderatie. De pilda imi plac la nebunie crevetii, dar sunt facuti din 90% colesterol si 10% apa. Mananc cand o data pe luna creveti. Deci nu i-am eliminat total dar nu mananc des. Oua mananc de vreo 3-4 ori pe luna - cateodata mai putin. Daca vreau sa mananc mai des oua, mananc doar albusurile.

    Eu iau lipitor, 80 de mg (maximul!) - care e din aceeasi familie de medicamente ca si crestorul (amandoua sunt statine), si ezetrol, tot 10 mg, cum ati zis ca va lua si fiul dvs. Cum ati vazut, colesterolul total e la 410 mg acum, si cel LDL la 344. Cam aici, cu mici oscilatii, au fost valorile in ultimii 10-15 ani. Medicatia nu am schimbat-o aproape deloc.

    Au incercat toate statinele (vytorin si crestor si zoocor) - dar nici unele nu au nici un efect asupra mea. Doar lipitorul (avorvastatitn) e singurul care isi face efectul pentru a scadea cat de cat valorile. Si in combinatie cu ezetrol (sau zetia cum se numeste aici). Lipitorul singur a incetat a-si face efectul acum vreo 5 ani, si de atunci au adaugat zetia/ ezetrol.

    Unii pacienti nu suporta statinele, si pot ataca rinichii si ficatul - deci mare atentie! Se fac analize la ficat din 3 in 3 luni ca sa se vada valorile ficatului daca organismul suporta acest medicament. La mine totul e OK deocamdata. Singurele efecte secundare sunt ca sunt extrem de balonata si am dureri insuportabile de burta din cauza gazelor produse in metabolismul ficatului in prezenta celor doua medicamente. Dar in rest, ma bucur ca totusi am incetinit depunerea de colesterol pe artere.

    Si eu am xantome pe tot corpul. Am avut una operata la cot, si acuma am una pe gat care trebuie operata - e cam cat o minge de tenis, in spatele gatului, si a devenit foarte dureroasa.

    Fac ecograf in fiecare an la inima si la arterele carotide sa vada daca depozitele de grasimi au crescut. Si un ultimii 10 ani sunt aproape de aceeasi masura - in unele locuri am cam 20-30 din artere inchise de grasime, in alte locuri am 80-90% din artere inchise, dar, la 40 de ani acusi nu am avut deocamdata nici un accident cerebral sau infarct.

    (mai raspund intr-un comentariu mia jos, pentru ca depasesc spatiul)


    1. Am scris la clinica doctorului Ornish sa vad daca se poate face un alt tratament mai natural, pentru ca ma tem de atatea pastile si cum vor afecta corpul dupa atatia ani de ingurgitare. Mi-au trimis raspuns ca in cazurile genetice (ca al meu si probabil al fiului dvs), tratamentele naturiste nu isi fac efect. Trebuie suplimentate cu medicamente si poate chiar si cu afereza ca sa se asigure functionarea corecta a metabolismului grasimilor. Am fost dezamagita, cum va dati seama.

      Si mie mi s-a zis de multe ori de afereza dar refuz sa o fac! Mi se pare prea dura aceasta procedura. La noi se face si mi s-ar aproba de catre asigurare sa imi fie platita, dar mi se pare un ultim liman, si inca nu am ajuns la el.

      Sper ca raspunsul meu sa fie de folos, dar daca nu, va rog sa ma mai intrebati ulterior.

      Multa sanatate si sa auzim numai de bine.


  9. Buna ziua, multumesc mult pentru raspunsul dumneavoastra.

    V-as ruga sa imi spuneti daca sunteti heterozigot sau homozigot si daca rezultatul a fost confirmat prin teste genetice.

    De asemenea, la ce varsta a inceput colesterolul sa se depuna ? Ma intereseaza aceste aspecte pentru ca sunt foarte tare in dubiu daca sa ii incep copilului administrarea statinelor de acum sau sa mai astept.

    Doctorii din Olanda zic clar sa incep acum cu dozele pe care vi le-am mentionat initial si la 5 ani sa maresc doza de crestor la 20 mg. Nu stiu in ce masura un organism normal face fata intr-o viata de om la atatea statine.

    El nu are nicio depunere in acest moment, aspect confirmat si de medicii de aici si de cei din Olanda, deci nu sunt chiar in criza de timp.

    Ati incercat cumva dieta Esselstyn, pare foarte promitatoare, din ce am citit ? Insa, in cazul nostru lucrurile sunt mai complicate ca este copil, este in crestere si nu stiu daca nu cumva il privez de elementele nutritive.

    V-as ruga mult sa imi ziceti daca aveti cunostinte de la ce varsta incepe medicamentatia cu statine in SUA la copiii cu hipercolesterolemie familiala homozigota.

    Multumesc mult si va urez Sarbatori fericite cu sanatate multa !

    1. Buna ziua,

      Eu sunt heterozigot, dar nu am facut analizele genetice sa aflu asta. Am mers la un profesor (Guyton) la universitatea Duke din Carolina de Nord, si dupa felul in care organismul meu raspunde medicatiei a zis ca sunt heterozigot. Tipul homozigot de hipercolesterolemie nu raspunde cat de cat eificient la tratamentul cu statine, in opinia unor doctori.

      In SUA din ce am citit, se incepe in jur de 8 ani, cu doze mici de statin.

      Nu am incercat inca dieta Esselstyn dar ma informez acum despre ea, pentru ca am aflat tocmai ieri ultimele rezultate de la ecografia de inima si situatia e cam trista. Voi posta un blog weekendul acesta mai detaliat.

      Am urmat dieta Ornish, inclusiv exercitiile de yoga multi ani si m-am simtit excelent si am avut si rezultate bune la colesterol. In ultimii ani, desi tin regim moderat si iau medicamente, probabil ca si varsta si stressul care este mai mare si-au spus cuvantul si rezultatele sunt cam proaste in ultima vreme.

      Despre regimuri, v-am zis ca asa au constatat si paritnii mei cand m-au descoperit la 6 ani, ca nu ma puteau priva de proteine in primul rand, ca imi afectau cresterea.

      Depunerile mele au inceput la exteriorul corpului (xantome) pe la 10-15 ani. Apoi, pe organe (pe ficat, pancreas intai) pe la 16-18 ani. Pe la 19 ani le-au gasit primele la inima pentru ca aveam simptome, de angina pectorala si de insuficienta respiratorie, si tensiune mare si aritmie. Dar atunci m-au diagnosticat cu boala de inima si depuneri la inima, dar s-ar fi putut sa le am de mai inainte de 19 ani. Abia atunci mi le-au gasit pentru ca ma plangeam de simptome.

      Depunerile pe arterele carotide au fost descoperite pe la 25 de ani, dar migrene aveam de la 19 ani - si se pare ca sunt legate una de alta, deci s-ar fi putut sa inceapa depunerile tot pe la 19 ani fara a fi diagnosticate o perioada.

      Multa sanatate si sarbatori fericite!

    2. Buna ziua, multumesc mult pentru toate informatiile furnizate.

      Imi pare foarte rau pentru rezultatele nu tocmai bune pe care inteleg ca le-ati primit.

      Am citit despre o reteta cu lamaie si usturoi care pare sa fi fost eficienta in cazul unor pacienti in evitarea operatiilor de by pass/stent-uri, daca prezinta interes pentru dvs sa o incercati sau sa o studiati, v-o prezint mai jos: 30 de catei de usturoi si 6 lamai nedecojite, se pun la blender, apoi se pun la foc intr-un litru de apa pentru o perioada scurta de timp (sa dea o singura data in clocot) si se iau de la foc. Se raceste amestecul si se pastreaza la frigider in vase din sticla (nu din platic). Din amestec se bea timp de 3 saptamani, apoi se face o pauza de 8 zile si se reia mecanismul inca 3 saptamani.

      Eu ii dau baietelului meu pentru ca nu are ce rau sa ii faca, atat lamaile cat si usturoiul fiind antioxidante si nici nu miroase urat.

      Le-am trimis un email atat dr Esselstyn cat si dr Ornish, insa nu am primit niciun raspuns.

      Am mai citit despre un dr Fuhrman care ar avea o dieta care reduce colesterolul LDL cu 33%, nu stiu, insa, daca este la fel de eficienta si in cazul hipercolesterolemiei familiale. II voi scrie si lui.

      Incerc pentru o luna o dieta asemanatoare celei a lui Esselstyn, fara ulei, fara avocado, nuci, migdale, carne, zahar, siropuri (carnea, zaharul si siropurile le-am redus inca de cand am aflat de boala), insa continuu cu uleiul de peste, somon si seminte de in, susan, chia si soia.

      Incerc pe cat posibil sa aman momentul de la care sa ii dau statinele pentru ca este foarte mic si sa evit afereza.

      Va urez sarbatori cu multa sanatate !

  10. Ԍreetings! This is mү fіrst commеnt here ѕo I juѕt wanted to
    giνe a quick shout оut and say I гeally enjoy reading yоur posts.
    Can you recommend аny other blogs/websites/forums tһɑt go oѵer the sɑmе
    topics? Мany thanks!

    1. Hello, and welcome. Thank you so much for reading and letting me know that this is helpful. For more links on this topic, please see the "Helpful Links" section on the right navigation on this blog. I hope this helps.

      Thanks, again.

  11. Does your website have a contact page? I'm having problems locating
    it but, I'd like to shoot you an email. I've got some ideas
    for your blog you might be interested in hearing. Either way, greqt site and I look forward to seeing it grow
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    1. Hi!
      No contacts page available yet - that is a good idea.
      You can send me an email at Thank you!

  12. Hello, I just happened to find your blog while doing some research on heart operation. My dad had a bypass surgery about five months ago and he seem to be on recovering mode still, and I happened to read your post on life at 5 months after open heart surgery and seem like my dad is going through the same thing. I thought that after 3 months or so one should be back to normal according to the stuffs I read online but after reading your post I can see that reality is quite different. So how long did it take you to completely recover and back to normal after your surgery? I have this question in mind all this time since his recovering is slow and it makes me real worry, he still has this sensitive sensation around his incision and still sound not do heavy stuffs, he told me that he can feel that he is not 100% normal and it feels like he lost about 20% of his strength, did you experience the same thing? I want to let him know that someone actually going through the same thing he does and he is not alone. I was glad that I found your blog since I learned a lot of new things. Thank you for sharing your experience from your surgery because now I can tell my dad that someone actually experienced what he is going through and I think that somewhat gave him the motivation and the strength to not giving up.

    1. I am so sorry for my delay in responding to your comment. I do know this is way past due and I hope that if you have followed this blog you have been able to see my progress over the years.
      The recovery takes a while. I am now at 6 years post-OHS and I have found my new groove, but it's definitely different than before. I am independent in most things and have even traveled on my own, which is my most demanding feat.
      I hope for much health to your dad and your family, too.
      If I can answer any other questions now, please let me know - I fixed the blog notification delay and I see these comments right away now.
      Thanks much!
