Saturday, February 27, 2016

Exercising 16 Days after Open Heart Surgery

Lots of people tell me I am doing too much this soon after my open heart surgery. My surgeon believes in "you're out of the hospital, now, it's up and at em from here on out!". He thinks driving is too much, lifting more than 15 lbs is too much, vacuuming is too much, but house chores, walking, making yourself breakfast and showing up for cardiac rehab every day of the week is normal. 

I push myself to do some things, because activity is also said to help with eliminating the lung fluid for which I still have a drainage tube attached to me, but I do tire easily, I won't sit here and try to be a hero and tell you otherwise. 

This morning, I cooked a full breakfast, for my husband's birthday, for three people - hashbrowns, cheese eggs, bacon and toast, with minimal help from my mom - I can't bend very well, to maneuver the trays in the oven. And I am pooped after all that ... 

When I go to cardiac rehab, which is light for right now (10 minute arm and leg warm-up, 10 minute treadmill - very slow and no incline - 10 minute rest and 10 more minutes of treadmill), I am pooped, again. But I make myself do it, and I try not to think of how tiring it is. Eyes on the target, I go through the motions, and when the exercise is over, I reward myself with a magazine read or a short nap. 

Climbing up the stairs is still the shortest and more strenuous thing I have done since surgery. I get to the top of my stairs almost completely breathless. 

My tube being in my ribs is still the culprit for my shallow breathing. And as you know, if you can't breathe properly, you have no stamina. I feel like once that is out, I will be able to build more strength and do lengthier exercises and with less interruptions. Till then, I am in the baby steps phase, with only small (short) bouts of energy, like cooking the breakfast this morning, every once in a great while.  

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